1 Date: Thursday, June 28, 2001 3rd period
2 Class: 2nd year, class 1 (4 boys and 16 girls)
3 Period allotted: 8th of 8 periods for debate lessons (team teaching)
4 Objectives: 
   The students will:
      (1) be able to formulate persuasive arguments regardless of their own opinions.
      (2) be able to conduct a debate.
5 Teaching Procedure:
Procedure  JTE's & AET's Activities  Students' Activities Notes


5 min.

Have students repeat some of
the useful expressions for
debates they learned in the
previous lesson.
Have them make sentences
orally by using those expressions.
Repeat after the teacher.

Make sentences orally.

The point I would
 like to stress is ...
Could you tell us
 why ... ?
My opinion is ....
I disagree with ....


 (10 min.)


Circle debate

Write down 5 statements on the
blackboard such as "Natto is good
  "City life is better than country
  "Letter writing is better than    talking on the phone."
  "Spring is better than summer."
  "Baseball is better soccer."

Students will form two circles- one
inside, the other outside so they
are facing each other.

In one-minute intervals, the partners
have a mini debate. The person on the
inside of the circle is always arguing
FOR the topic, and the outside person
is always AGAINST the topic. After
one minute, the outside circle shifts
one space to the right, and begins a
new debate with a new partner.

This activity
helps students to
practice forming
arguments quick-
ly, leaving out
their own personal
feelings from the



 (25 min.)


"School Lunch vs. Box lunch"
proposition: We should adopt a
school lunch program at senior
high schools.
 1st affirmative speech (2.5 min.)
 cross examination   (2 min.)
 1st negative speech  (2.5 min.)
 cross examination   (2 min.)
 1st negative rebuttal  (2.5 min.)
 1st affirmative rebuttal (2.5min.)
 2nd negative rebuttal  (2.5 min.)
 2nd affirmative rebuttal (2.5 min.)

Two teams of students will engage
in a 4-person debate. Those who do
not take part in the debate will act as

Fill in the evaluation sheet.


Evaluation sheets
include helpful
suggestions or
comments for
conducting a debate.

Students should not
write down a
manuscript of their
speech. They should
speak by looking at
the key words only.


 (10 min.)


Ask judges to complete the
evaluation sheet.
Collect the sheets.
Announce the result.
Ask a few students about
Give comments on the debate.

Students will complete the
evaluation sheet and vote on which   group they thought was more
Express his/her opinions.

Listen to the teacher(s).

Praise the good
points of each team.